Uncover the true potential of a candidate
Do you really know a candidate after a few interviews? There’s a lot that may hidden beneath the surface, and for SMEs, every wrong hire can be very costly.
By asking potential hires to take a Saindex survey, our system can use practical intelligence to discover who a candidate truly is, including:
- How practical the potential hire is, when placed in working situations?
- Do they have “one-leg-kick” (i.e. “bao ka liao”, “can do everything”) potential?
- How consistently will this person follow directions?
- At this present moment, how is this person’s commitment level?
- What is this prospect’s working pace?
Importantly, our system is also smart enough to flag dishonest attempts and highlight them to you – so you can focus your time and effort on the best candidates.
What’s more, you can also personalise the findings you receive from our system. Simply contact us for assistance with customisation.